Sunday Talks - Ellen Mara de Wachter

Sunday Talks - Ellen Mara de Wachter
Walead Beshty, 4 sided Pull (Red/Green/Blue/ Yellow) May 18th, 2007, Valencia, CA, Kodak Supra, 2008, Fold (15 Degree Directional Light Source, 165 Degree Directional Light Source) December 23rd, 2006 Valencia, CA, Illford Multigrade Fiber IV, 2007 and 6 Sided Pull (Red/Green/Blue/Cyan/Yellow/Magenta), May 19th, 2007, Valencia, CA, Kodak Supra,2008, installation view, Past Forward, 2008 at Zabludowicz Collection, London. Photo: Stephen White


176 curator Ellen Mara de Wachter leads an in-depth exploration of the works of Walead Beshty in the show, examining them in the context of the exhibition as a whole as well as the artist's broader practice.